The Village of Montour Falls was recently selected as the winner of $4.5 million in funding through the NY Forward program. A key component of the NY Forward Program includes regular meetings of the Montour Falls Local Planning Committee (LPC). LPC meetings are designed to be working meetings for the Committee – utilized to brainstorm ideas, provide direction and feedback to the consultant team, review planning products, and discuss community engagement efforts.
This will be the first time that the newly created LPC will meet and discuss this transformational opportunity for the Village of Montour Falls, located in Schuyler County, New York. Members of the LPC were selected by representatives from the Department of State, who oversee the project and process. The LPC will be led by Co-Chairs, Mayor James Ryan, and the Executive Director of the Schuyler County Partnership for Economic Development (SCOPED), Judy McKinney Chair, who also serves as the Co-Chair of the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council.
The members of the Montour Falls Local Planning Committee (LPC) include:
Mayor James Ryan Village of Montour Falls, Mayor
Judy McKinney Cherry SCOPED, Executive Director
Jeff Confer Village of Montour Falls, Trustee
Rebecca Gould Schuyler Hospital, President/CFO
Thomas McGeary Montour Falls Planning Board Chair
David Zinger Vedder & Scott Funeral Home, Owner
Kyle Colunio Montour Falls, Resident
Kristin VanHorn Schuyler County Planning Department, Director
Dr. Lindsay Hall Montour Falls, Resident
Fonda Chronis Schuyler County, County Administrator
Dustin Corbett Montour Falls, Property Owner
Nigar Hale Watkins Glen Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director
Ashley Kerrick Schuyler County Catholic Charities, Executive Director
Mayor James Ryan said of the New York Forward award, “Montour Falls is well positioned to drive new investment in our community for the benefit of residents and visitors alike. The NY Forward planning process will lead to project recommendations based on goals identified through the LPC. I encourage community members to get involved and be a part of this process.”
Judy McKinney Cherry noted “I am pleased that the Village of Montour Falls will be able to make a significant impact with the investment from the NY Forward program. I am looking forward to working with Mayor Ryan, the LPC, and the community to ensure that we make meaningful investments that will add to the growth and development of Montour Falls and Schuyler County for future generations.”
The first meeting of the Montour Falls LPC is scheduled for May 23, 2023, from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. at the Montour Falls Fire Station, 111 Lee Street, Montour Falls, NY. All meetings are open to the public and there will be a public comment period at the end of the meeting. The community is encouraged to attend all of the LPC meetings to stay informed about the process, provide feedback on projects and help steer the direction and future of the Village of Montour Falls.
For more information about the NY Forward Program visit: www.ny.gov/programs/ny-forward